The Big Mouth 14
the main menu_bm
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Commodore BASIC
40 lines
1 rem" "bm staff eyes only!(NULL)
2 poke 808,234:poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0
4 fort=1 to 500:next
6 print"[147][155] - the big mouth magazine -"
8 fort=1 to 2000:next
10 print"[147]"
15 fort=1 to 500:next
20 printtab(7)"the big mouth - main menu"
30 print"a - weird worlds"
31 print"b - weird worlds important note"
32 print"c - paralax preview"
33 print"d - tusker/dominator music ripp"
34 print"e - last ninja 2 music ripp"
35 print"f - connect 4"
50 print"pick a program to load (a-f) ?"
55 get a$:if a$="" then 55
60 a=asc(a$):if a-64<1 or a-64>6 then 55
65 if a-64=2 then 110
70 forx=49152 to 49170:ready:poke x,y:next x
75 print" loading your selection - please wait"
76 sys 49152
77 data 120,169,013,141,040,003,169,192
78 data 141,041,003,088,096,238,032,208
79 data 076,237,246
80 on a-64 goto 105,110,120,121,122,123
100 :
105 load"weird worlds /ex",8,1
110 print"[147]"tab(10)" weird worlds [146] note"
111 print"before loading the demo, turn your disk"
112 print"drive off and then on again, or if your"
113 print"drive has a reset button, press that."
114 print"if you do not do this, the demo will stuff up after the mario intro."
115 print""tab(12)" press spacebar "
116 get a$:if a$<>chr$(32) then 116
117 goto 10
120 load"paralax preview",8,1
121 load"tusker/dominator",8,1
122 load"last ninja 2 rip",8,1
123 load"connect 4 /ba",8,1